Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nothing to "Rave" About

Time to address a topic that everyone and their mother have been dancing around for weeks.  I'm talking about drugs, more specifically "Molly."  It seems like it's been the topic of many conversations from the internet to your office at work because of the events that occurred at Electric Zoo Festival a little less than a month ago.

So, just in case you've been hiding under a rock for the past month, let me quickly break down the situation for you.  Two people, both aged 20 and 23,  died at the popular New York festival due to a supposed overdose on "Molly," (might I add that I say supposed with great emphasis.)  Molly is a pure powder form of "MDMA,"which is commonly known to all of us as ecstasy.  In the 80s up to the early 2000s, ecstasy was commonly found in pill form, and it was recognized as a risk to users. These pills were pressed and it was hard to tell if they were laced with other unknown substances.  Fast forward to today.  Pressed pills are hardly being made anymore and now have been replaced with "Molly." Molly is usually found inside a capsule.  Taking Molly allows users to feel a little more at ease than they did in the past with ecstasy pills simply because of the fact that users can see the white powder moving around in the capsule.  People believe that the white powder they see equals to pure MDMA.

But let's think about that for a moment. Are drug dealers really that trustworthy? That question is an oxymoron in itself. Hey, I'm not one to judge, but if we're being honest here, the aim of drug dealing is to make quick, easy money. If you honestly think a drug dealer is going to sell you a 100% pure MDMA, if you seriously think that a dealer won't lie to you about the quality of the substance that he or she is slipping into your hand for a cool $20 a pop, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are living in a fantasy world.

Here's a little-known fact that had appeared in the New York Post a few weeks ago.  This aspect of the Electric Zoo deaths wasn't plastered across the internet and newspaper headlines as much as "Molly" was but it's something that everyone should take note of.  Of the 23 year old young man who passed away after Electric Zoo, "Law-enforcement sources said he also had crystal meth in his pocket when he died." Yes, the kid could have been also doing crystal meth… but also it is very probable that the substance that was found is his pocket was fake "Molly," probably what he had taken before he died. So does "white powder" determine the "safety" of the ecstasy you're putting into your mouth? Wouldn't say so.

It's important to note that in the drug trade, there's no quality control.  I've heard it all. Blame the War on Drugs for being unfair, cry that MDMA "should be legalized because the drug proven to be helpful in couples therapy and for post-trauamatic stress," but that won't save you.  MDMA is a Schedule 1 Drug, meaning it's ILLEGAL. When you take it, you take it at your own risk. It's not like you've taken a bad batch of aspirin. You're on your own here if you want to mess around with the stuff.  The substance that you're holding in your hand could be powdered poison for all you know. So, case in point, if you take the drug based on someone else's word, you are threatening your own life.  I might sound blunt, but it's the honest truth.

Let me end with this. I hate to be preachy, I really do. Some of you may be asking why I even care. I hear very often "if you really love the music, you don't need drugs to enjoy it." I totally agree.  However, no one, and I mean NO ONE can deny that House Music (Underground or Mainstream,) just like every other musical genre in history (pick one, any one) has a drug culture aspect to it.  People are going to do drugs no matter what. That fact has been proven time and time again. People who try to be unrealistic about it just push the issue under the rug, which is a problem in itself. If you don't want to do drugs, I think that's awesome and I wish others will follow suit. The fact is some won't. However, turning a blind eye and having a strict, firm attitude about them isn't going to help others from harming themselves. It's going to be detrimental, just as we have seen with the two tragic deaths at Electric Zoo. Some of you who perhaps use or have used drugs may be rolling your eyes at me.  You may think too you're "smart" or "experienced." Perhaps you've heard this speech before. I get it, you're invincible! But just hear me out. I'm not one to judge, and no one else is either. However, if you're going to put yourself at risk--at least be careful. Know the risks. Buy a test kit.  Think twice, or it may be your last time thinking at all. Don't let the two deaths be in vein. Sober or not, keep yourselves safe.

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