Wednesday, November 20, 2013


At 2:30 AM on Saturday, November 16th, I arrived at the newly opened Sankey's NYC, a venue that I have been dying to check out for some time now. When I walked in, a smile came over my face. Sankey's had done a lot with the place since the days of old District 36, the nightclub that used to be in its place. I no longer felt as if I was in someone's basement (which I never cared about aesthetics that much, but hey… if you're going to make it as a Manhattan spot you need to be at least somewhat pleasing to the eye.)  A myriad of lights that hung over the dance floor provided an uncommonly funky feel and the sound system was in a class all it's own--full-bodied, rich, and engaging.  As far as the music went, it was no frills. It could be described as a pure and honest mix of deep, funky grooves with a tribal twist (it was a "Tribal Sessions Party.") At that moment, the night was looking pretty good to me, and I was ready to take it all in… every last bit of it.

                              A view of the main floor of Sankey's NYC from the booth

Unfortunately, my experience was short lived. My group and I had wrist bands, which meant we had snagged a spot in VIP. And of course you can't turn down an opportunity like that, right? We walked  up the stairs, and strolled into the VIP area. Before you could say, "bitch, don't kill my vibe," the atmosphere of the place immediately changed. The VIP area was semi-empty. There was absolutely no sign of vibrancy anywhere. Everyone was sitting down in a nonchalant fashion, talking amongst themselves.  Yeah, I saw a head bop here and there, but this was in no way, shape, or form my kind of party… not by a long shot. Now, VIP is usually a great idea when you are at a club that packs you in like sardines.. you know, packed past the legal limit set by the fire department. But that wasn't the case this time.  As I looked down, there was plenty of space on the dance floor--more than enough space. And boy, was everyone having a good time. I secretly envied all of my fellow party goers moving and grooving across the main floor.  The experience could be likened to that of a misbehaved child sitting inside during lunchtime detention as they watched their peers run around on the playground outside.

The conversations, head bopping, and the pouring of drinks continued until closing time. As we walked through the exit doors, everyone commented on how "dope" the party was and how they couldn't wait to go back. I felt like I was the only person who didn't enjoy themselves. In the end, when it comes down to it, it's all about taste. Everyone comes out to events for different reasons. Some people rather just relax and enjoy themselves. I understand that, because every so often, I rather chill out myself. Usually, however, I can't just sit down and relax.  The reason I come out is for the party is for the experience, the energy--that "underground vibe." For me the party is on the dance floor.  It's where people are clapping their hands, swaying their bodies to the music, letting themselves just loose it.  In VIP, it's hard to be a part of that energy and that intensity. Only the dance floor can give you that. 

As for Sankey's, I'll surely be back. Next time, however, you won't find me in the VIP.

                                                This oldie says it all.

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